what is earth friendly?
You can feel better knowing you helped our planet with earth friendly effective™ cleaning products - and cleaner too! Our top of the line cleaning products keep both you and our world unsoiled in a safe, non-toxic way.
about earth friendly effective™
help the earth - one product at a time
Every year consumer products pollute our planet through unhealthy production practices, non-recyclable containers and chemicals that are not biodegradable.
Effective™ offers an economical and ecological alternative solution to these mainstream cleaning products and detergents. We offer quality, earth friendly cleaning products that are safe for the environment.
Our non-toxic cleaning products are safe enough for you to use on your children's toys, yet strong enough to get rid of the toughest grime.
Many Effective™ products are concentrated for your convenience. You get more for your money, plus our products are travel friendly.
We guarantee your satisfaction in our cleaning products and hope you will breathe a little easier knowing you are helping the world become a more sanitary planet.
contact us
Click here for more information on how you can help make the world a cleaner planet through earth friendly cleaning products and detergents. |